The Acrylics Experience: Methods and Techniques
with artist Maria Botti Villegas on Zoom
Tuesday and Thursday nights 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Part One April 27, 29 & May 4
Part Two May 6, 11, 13
Fee $125 for an individual part or $200 for both
Take either part, depending on your comfort level working with acrylics or take both for the full experience.
• Complete the Form Below or Call 870-862-5474
Acrylic is a fascinating medium to explore. From translucent to opaque finishing, acrylics are a very versatile medium. Acrylic paint techniques are full of possibilities. Because acrylics dry fast, the results are more immediate, perfect for fine sketches or for a fast and spontaneous gesture. Also, acrylic paint is more forgiving than watercolor because it can be layered and layered over and over again like in oil paint.
This workshop is appropriate for a wide range of students. From beginners to experienced painters, the two part workshop will introduce new techniques to the more experienced and curious artist, as well as the beginner. This workshop offers participants an interactive and thorough experience in the privacy of their homes.
The first part of the workshop beginning on April 27 will include basic notions of brushing, color palettes, value, and basic composition styles. However, more experienced painters will benefit from adventurous study of color palettes, layering through brushstrokes, and abstract styles. The second part beginning on May 6 will focus on the use of acrylic techniques like underpainting, mixed media, and canvas textured surfaces.
As we begin returning to in-person classes and events, the flexibility of a well-planned Zoom workshop can create a variety of benefits for participants who would like to learn an artistic technique from home. “I find the format can be more accessible for my students,” said Maria, “because they don’t have to pack away their project at the end of each class. They can continue their work after the meeting ends, and continue to communicate with text or email.” Plus, the format can bring together students from different geographic locations to learn together virtually.
Supply List
• Acrylic Paints: Liquitex Basics, Golden Heavy Body Acrylics or Golden Open Slow-drying Acrylics
For beginning painters Liquitex Basics is a good brand. Colors: white, phthalo blue, ultramarine blue, primary yellow, primary red, naphthol crimson, quinachridone magenta, burnt sienna.
For the more advanced students Golden Heavy Body Acrylics or Golden Open Slow-drying Acrylics is my choice. These are both a professional level line of paints. Colors: titanium white, phthalo blue green shade, ultramarine blue, primary yellow, dyarilide yellow, naphthol red medium, naphthol red light, quinachridone magenta, burnt sienna.
• Watercolor Set: Prang semi-moist, Crayola watercolor set, or Grumbacher tubes
We will use watercolors for underpainting and mixed media techniques.
• Brushes: Watercolor or acrylic rounded brushes size 2, 6, 10 or 12
Flat square brush for background size ¾ and 8
Any old medium brush for texture
Angular brush size ¼ (optional)
• Few sheets of Sketch Paper, letter size or 9”x 12”
• 1 Canvas Panel 9” x 12”
• 5 sheets Watercolor Paper, size 9”x 12” or 11” x 17” (140 lb or 300 g)
• 2 Boards big enough to mask one watercolor paper on each board
• Painters Tape or Masking Tape 1” wide or wider
• Mixing Palette or several white plastic plates or any tray/plastic surface
• 1-2 Egg Container, styrofoam or transparent plastic
• 2B Pencil
• Eraser
• Water Container or a glass
• Paper Towel roll
• Hair Dryer