Piano virtuoso Colton Peltier will appear in concert in the Callaway Theatre at 7:30 on Friday May 23. Concert tickets are $25 for reserved seating and there are limited $50 tickets which include reserved seating and a post concert soiree at the home of Gay and Russ Bechtelheimer.

Peltier is a 19 year old student at the Juilliard School in New York. He burst upon the music world at age nine when he performed Beethoven’s Concerto #1 with the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra.  Selections for the SAAC concert include Schubert’s Piano Sonata in C minor, Ravel’s La Valse, Rachmaninoff’s Piano Sonata n. 2, Op. 36and Liberman’s Gargoyles, Op. 29 all performed on the Steinway grand. The event is graciously sponsored by Martha Yocum.

Call 870-862-5474 to make reservations.