Welcome to our flash mob page, “Dancing Queens” and “Super Troupers”!
Because we can hardly contain our excitement for our summer musical, Mamma Mia!, we have decided to organize a flash mob before auditions, and SAAC would like to invite ALL interested parties to participate. Not only will this event be tons of fun, it is an excellent opportunity to show off a bit of choreography by our extraordinarily talented choreographer, Hannah Marsh!
Event Details:
When: Saturday, May 7
Where: Downtown El Dorado
Time: About 1:15pm (plan to be downtown between 1:05-1:20 ready to dance when you hear the music)
How to Participate:
1. Watch the video “Learn the Steps” and follow along as Hannah M. teaches you the moves.
2. Watch the video “Practice with the Choreographer” to go through the dance in real time with the music.
3. There will be a rehearsal Saturday, April 30 @ 5:30 in the SAAC Ballet Studio. This rehearsal is not mandatory. If you plan to participate in the flash mob, but cannot attend the rehearsal, send us a message and we will let you know the time/location of the flash mob.
4. Show up on Saturday, May 7 ready to boogie down!
The song is “Mamma Mia” and can be found here on Spotify or here on Youtube. The dance starts 34 seconds into the song with the lyric “I suddenly lose control”.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments box below or contact us at (870) 862-5474.