Several art workshops are already scheduled through July.
Kelly Campbell will be at Corks & Canvas painting tulips on May 19. Cost is $40 and includes snacks and all supplies. Class limit 10.
In June, Suzi Dennis hosts a one day Collage Workshop 10am-4pm on June 4. Cost is $65 members/$90 new members. Rhonda Hicks will be at Corks & Canvas on June 16. Corks & Canvas will not meet in July, but will resume August 18 with Cindy Snelson.
In July, Virmarie DePoyster returns for her Pastel Workshop on the 9th-10th, 9am-4pm. Cost is $120 members/$145 new members. Class limit 10.
Call 870-862-5474 for more information or to register for a class. Classes should be paid for within 10 days of registration.