SAAC invites all area artists to enter the annual Membership Showcase that will be on exhibition in the Merkle Gallery at SAAC December 4-17. SAAC members and new artists are all welcome to enter. Artwork must be delivered to SAAC by 5:00pm on Thursday, November 30. A reception for the showcase will be held on Thursday, December 14 from 5:30-7:00pm. The Membership Showcase provides area artists and makers the opportunity to share their creative endeavors with the community.

All SAAC members may submit two entries for free. New artist and creatives are encouraged and welcome to enter. Entries can be artwork created at any point in their lifetime. The only rule is that work shown in a previous Membership Show cannot be submitted again. Pieces that may be submitted for the showcase must be the original work of the artist and can be of any medium, both two-dimensional or three-dimensional. There’s no competition or cash awards, but artists are encouraged to sell their work.

As in the past, anything goes including, but not limited to, paintings, sculptures, photography, computer generated art, jewelry, video, fiber art, and multi-media. 2-D works must be completely ready for gallery display – framed in a clean, neat manner with a secure wire hanger. 3-D works and multi-media presentations must be display-ready. The entry process is simple and easy. To enter, complete the online registration form or the optional paper entry form and deliver the artwork to SAAC.

Katherine McDonald, Chairperson of SAAC’s Visual Arts Committee, encourages artists to participate by saying, “This is an opportunity for literally any area artists to showcase their artistic talents. For some, this might be on a bigger platform than just in their home or with their friends and family, but I encourage artists to take the leap and enter SAAC’s Membership Showcase.”