Be a part of our sixth annual 5×5 Art Dash on Wednesday, May 5! This year, due to social distancing precautions, we’re going to Zoom instead of hosting a live dash. Beginning at 5pm, ticket holders will be able to go online in a Zoom Party to choose a piece of 5×5 art which has been donated by a local or regional artist. East Camden and Highland Railroad has again graciously agreed to sponsor the Art Dash for year six.
Purchase your ticket today! Complete the Form Below
or Call 870-862-5474
Each ticket holder will be randomly assigned a number to select an artwork. With only 60 tickets available, this is the most exclusive event hosted by SAAC each year, and tickets go quickly, but everyone is invited to view the work while it is on exhibit in the Lobby Gallery for a 3 day preview, 9am-5pm, beginning May 3 and running through May 5, when the live Art Dash Zoom Party begins.
During the Zoom event, ticket holders will be called upon in order. They will get to see all of the 5×5’s live and ask questions if they want – just don’t ask who the artist is!
You must be present – on your phone, computer, or iPad – in the Zoom Party in order to select your painting. Anyone who does not attend the live Zoom event will be allowed to select a piece after the live event has ended. We will email specific instructions the week of the event.
Keep an eye on the gallery and our Facebook page to see photos of the 5×5’s as they come in. Watch for a special “share” of our margarita punch recipe and other Cinco de Mayo treats!
Kelly Campbell, who organizes the event each year, said, “I love so many of the events we have here at SAAC, but I must confess that this is my most favorite. It’s always so much fun! Bruce Coffey from East Camden and Highland Railroad has sponsored this event from the very beginning, and I can’t say ‘thank you’ enough to Mr. Coffey. And the artists! At this point, we have so many wonderful artists who are willing to donate the artwork to us that we’ve started alternating the years that most of them contribute.”
For more information on the 5×5 Art Dash, please call the SAAC office at 870-862-5474
2021 Artists
Kathy Bowles Adcock
Aaron Andrews
Susan Barnes
Sandy Bennett
Kendal Blanchard
Jordan Bolling
Cherie Bright
Rudy Bright
Liz Butler
Kelly Campbell
Joan Coffey
Emma Corteville
Jennifer Corteville
Melinda Dodson
Treasa Evans
Gary Hall
Annaleigh Harper
Katie Harwell
Katy Hayes
Rex Hayes
Rhonda Hicks
Nikki Hollis
April Hoover
Beth Hubbert
Tena Hughes
Missy Inman
Gaby Juarez
Morgan Kazanovicz
Brenda Keech
John Keech
Nancy Rae Kinard
Katie King
Helene Lambert
Ella Langridge
Tony Lewis
Patricia Lowery
Becki Lusk
Nicole McPhate
Mike Means
Sarah E. Merkle
Selene Mondragon
Margy Merkle Niel
Ann Palculict
Lee Scroggins
Bobbi Shepherd
Liz Slater
Julia Slaughter
Jerri Beth Smith
Cindy Snelson
Doug Stanton
Jordan Stinson
Chris Stone
Christine Street
Marla Tomlinson
Ann Trimble
Pam Vernon
Jorge Villegas
Maria Villegas
Steven Wall
Paul Waschka
Hayden White
Ann Wilson
Michaela Wise

SOLD OUT!! Sorry but the tickets have sold. Please join us next year for the 2024 Art Dash.