For non-artists who want to try their hand at something new with Cindy Snelson! The instructor takes the class through the step by step process to complete a work of art on canvas in 3 hours. Snelson has been a lifelong artist and crafter, dabbling in stained glass, quilting and painting. She was nominated for the Governor’s Honors, an art program in her home state of Georgia. Snelson said when asked about her love of art, “I am all about color!”

Cindy has hosted Corks and Canvas at SAAC previously and received great reviews from the class participants. Minna Ulmer was among the group and said , ”Cindy is a wonderful teacher. She made the class fun and easy for us non-artists. She is very laid-back and makes it very ‘user friendly’. Cindy was very organized and had everything laid out for us- there was no way to mess it up! We all had a great time!”

Cost of the class is $40.00 and covers all supplies and snacks. Bring the beverage of your choice. To register for this fun evening, please come by or call the SAAC office at 862-5474.