- Online Entry Deadline: May 14
- Juror Announcement: May 23
- Art work Due at SAAC: June 13
- Exhibit Opens: June 18
- Artist’s Reception: July 13
- Last Day: July 23
- Artists Pick-up Work: July 24
- Shipped Art Returned:July 29-30
Submit any number of entries by digital image.
All entries are $10 each.
- 2-D and 3-D Fine Art Media
- Artists 18 and Older in the US
Entries can be submitted online or by mail. For more information or assistance with an entry contact the South Arkansas Arts Center 870-862-5474 or e-mail [email protected]
Over $2000 in Prize Money
- BEST of SHOW • $600
- 1st Place • $350
- 2nd Place • $250
- 3rd Place • $150
- Honorable Mention • $50
- Peoples’ Choice • $100
- Purchase Award • $600
One piece from the competition will be purchased for SAAC’s permanent art collection. The Annual Purchase Award is made possible through an endowment from the family of Wilma Riley in memory of her commitment to the arts, her community, and SAAC.
Juror David Houston
SAAC is excited to welcome David Houston of the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum in Biloxi, Mississippi, the juror for the 2024 Annual Juried Art Competition.
David Houston is the Executive Director and Chief Curator of the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum, a Frank Gehry design and which celebrates the innovative, independent and creative spirit of namesake Mississippi master potter George Ohr (1857-1918).
Houston was previously the Director of the Bartlett Center at Columbus State University, Georgia, The Director of Curatorial at the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Arkansas and the Chief Curator and Co-Director of the Ogden Museum in New Orleans.
Houston has taught the history of art at the Clemson University School of Architecture, the University of New Orleans, and the Brandenburg Technical University, Germany. He is the author of over fifty publications on art, architecture, photography and self-taught art.
Visit the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum LINK
Exhibit Prospectus
The exhibition is competitive and open to artists 18 years of age or older living in the United States, no international addresses accepted. All 2-D and 3-D fine arts media accepted, including photography and computer generated work. Pieces must be original and completed in the last five years.
- 2-D works must be completely ready for gallery display – a clean, neat, professional presentation with a secure hanging method. If subject to damage, works should be framed under plexi or glass. Work not ready to hang may be disqualified.
- 3-D works and Multi Media Presentations must be display ready. Work weighing over 50 pounds, presenting complex installation problems or requiring electrical power should be approved by the gallery manager prior to paying the entry fee. Work unsuitable for installation in the gallery may be disqualified.
- The juror and gallery manager have final authority to define what constitutes an acceptable entry. Works may be rated unacceptable if considered unsafe or appear to be significantly different from the image submitted to the juror. Artwork completed under classroom supervision and/or reproduced from work by other artists or published material is not accepted.
DEADLINE: May 14. Entries must be submitted online or delivered to the South Arkansas Arts Center by May 14, 2024.
ENTRY & IMAGE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Artists may submit any number of entries by digital image. A second image of the work to show a detail or alternative view is allowed. To submit a video, do not upload the video file but provide a link to where it can be viewed online. Upload images with the online entry form. Click the green button above to begin. Optional Paper Entry Form: Deliver entry form, entry fee and digital images to SAAC at 110 East 5th Street, El Dorado, AR 71730.
ENTRY FEE: All entries are $10 each. Payment can be made by PayPal and credit card in the online entry form, but Venmo, Cash App, check or cash are also acceptable. Make checks payable to SAAC. Entry fee is non-refundable.
NOTIFICATION: May 23. Juror’s notification of accepted works will be announced on June 23. A list will be posted online at www.saac-arts.org and artists will be contacted by email.
DELIVERY/SHIPPING: June 13. Deliver accepted work to SAAC by June 13. Artist with large or complicated installation pieces should contact SAAC to schedule an appointment for installation July 14-17. Artists are responsible for delivery and pick up of all works. Return shipping instructions must be included when work is received. Work can be picked up in person on Wednesday, July 24 or by appointment. If using a shipping company, please make arrangements for pick up of your work July 29-30. After 30 days, unclaimed work will become the property of SAAC.
EXHIBITION: June 18 – July 23. All accepted works will be on exhibit in the SAAC Galleries June 18 – July 23, 2024.
SALES: A commission of 35% will be charged on all sales. Work that is not for sale must be clearly marked on the entry form as NFS.
LIABILITY: Artists are responsible for the transportation of accepted entries and expected to carry their own insurance if shipping the artwork. South Arkansas Arts Center is not responsible for damages during transport. Every precaution will be taken during packing and unpacking for the safety of each entry, but neither SAAC, its board, staff, nor volunteers will be responsible for loss or damage caused during transport. If artwork is accepted in the exhibit, artists agree to allow the artwork to be reproduced for promotional purposes. The receipt of an entry in the juried exhibition will constitute agreement by the artist with all conditions set forth in the prospectus.