DePoyster-ArtPastel Painting by artist
Virmarie DePoyster
July 9 & 10

Virmarie DePoyster, co-president of the Arkansas Pastel Society, will teach the two-day pastel workshop. Students will explore the pastel medium, drawing techniques, under-painting techniques using alcohol, value studies, color, surface applications, and effective and creative ways of using photo references. Beginning drawing and beginning pastel is STRONGLY recommended.

The emphasis will be on:
• developing effective compositional design
• facilitating a dynamic and sensitive approach to color
• discussing and creating a painting surface

Facebook: Virmarie Suria DePoyster

Contact the SAAC Office to Register 870-862-5474.
Cost: $120/$145



Workshop Supplies:

Start out with whatever pastels you can afford. All that said… the more expensive pastels have better pigment and produce better results. Bring the pastels you have. If you are purchasing some, these are my favorites in order of preference:

1. Mount Vision- soft pastels (25 or 50 Landscape Set)- This is my favorite and go to brand…
2. Terry Ludwig- soft pastels: 30 Essential Grays Set, 30 Basic Landscape Set
3. NuPastel set of 96 – harder pastels (great beginning set; I start all my drawings with NuPastel and use them to blend colors)

**I order most of my supplies from: Dakota Pastels- online

I recommend you have a sufficient range of values within the 6 main hues: red, yellow, blue, orange, green, and violet. Within each hue, having a variety of both warm and cool, also in a full range of values, is ideal.

Papers for Saturday-
• UArt Paper- sanded paper (Available at Dakota or I’ll bring some you can purchase- $2.60 ea.), 1 pieces -9” x 12”
• Pastel Premier by Handbook paper co. (Available only at Dakota or I’ll bring some you can purchase- $3.29 ea.), 1 piece -9” x 12”
Boards for Sunday-
• Gatorboard (I’ll bring and you can purchase, 9” x 12”, – $1.50 each)

Paper Towels
2” Wide regular masking tape
Latex Gloves or “Gloves in a Bottle” (Optional)
70% rubbing alcohol
Any watercolor brush – My favorites are Polar Flo Watercolor Brushes – ¾” and 1” Aquarelles from Jerry’s Artarama
1 can computer cleaning duster air (for erasing)
Old house paint brush, used, rough, 2”
1 empty cottage cheese container or plastic cup for mixing
Reference Photos – to paint from, bring photos that inspire you.